It's been a while since I've blogged. To my seven followers I apologize. Last week was fairly hectic, leaving very little time to blog. I have found, over my semester and a fourth here at at Auburn, that during these hectic weeks that come all too often I neglect more than just the blog. My quiet time is the first thing to go. I laugh at myself as I read this because of the obvious irony of the situation. When I need the Lord the most, He is the first one to go. As I get into my bed to catch those 2 or so hours of sleep, diving into Scripture is the last thing on my mind. This is a reoccurring trend in this crazy schedule known as the college life. I find that if a test is coming up I skip our on church on Wednesdays. Why I think that a few hours of some good worship would hinder my academic performance I couldn't tell you. Out of all the hours in the day, I choose the church hours to study. This is just something that I have been convicted of lately. Making time to spend with our creator should not be a burden. In fact, it is the farthest thing from that. It is a time to hand over your burdens with open hands rather than clinched fists. I must admit, I'm a fist clincher. There are areas of my life that are hard for me to let go of. I like to be in control but I'm also indecisive because I'm a people pleaser to the max. I'm real weird I'm very aware. I could babble on about how weird I am but I'll spare you all. The point of all that is to say that letting go and letting God is a constant struggle for me. I trust that He's going to take care of me but I find myself wanting it on my terms. That is something that the Lord is obviously trying to teach me these days. I'm am slowly but surely learning that there are other ways than "Brook's Way." The Lord promises to take care of us. Who am I to doubt the creator of the universe. If He makes a promise I'd be willing to bet it's pretty legit. What does that say about me and my trust and faith in my Savior if I doubt that he will provide for me? Not too much. So what little words have been continually spoken in the back of my mind? "Just trust." You'd think I'd learn to listen.
On a completely different note, SNOW!!!! This is probably the most snow I've seen in ole Alabama...ever. It snowed for a solid day this past weekend. That is a rarer than rare occasion here. It was beautiful. I don't even know if beautiful is a good enough word to describe it. It was breath taking. I was at home for the weekend and got to spend the snow day with the fam, what a blessing. I have come to cherish every minute that I get to spend with my family.
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